February Float on the Buffalo!

February 3, 2015

This February 7th & 8th (Saturday & Sunday), we are headed to the Lower Buffalo River, from Woolum to Tyler bend (15 miles).  We are planning to make this an overnight trip so bring your your warm clothes and camping gear. Since the water levels are much lower than anticipated, we are keeping the river […]

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Niangua Trip Report!

January 25, 2015

Six OMP members and one guest floated the Niangua River from Bennett Springs to Barclay Springs Sunday Jan 18th. It was a clear sunny day with temps in the mid 60’s, we had 2 new members, Kim Jarrell and Jim Horton taking their first trip with us, and there were 2 new kayaks which made […]

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Niangua Float on Sunday (Jan. 18th)!

January 17, 2015

We give an advanced apology for the short notice on this, but we figured we may as well take advantage of the weather as it looks to be friendly this coming weekend (Sunny and a high of 57˚F, looking fine)! There is a float planned on the Niangua River (Bennett Springs to Barclay = 6.3 […]

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Kings River Trip Report!

January 14, 2015

2 cars 2 people 2 boats 2 days… After waiting for 30 minutes, Aaron and I realized we were on our own.  We headed south with the temperature in the teens.  We traveled along roads lined by ice-covered cliffs.  After dropping of gear and boats we jumped back onto the dirt roads to drop off […]

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2015 – 1st Quarter Calendar!

December 29, 2014

JANUARY MEMBERS MEETING – Jan. 8th (THURSDAY) • 7:00pm • Springfield Nature Center JANUARY FLOAT (EDITED)– Jan. 10-11th (SATURDAY & SUNDAY) OVERNIGHT OPTION • KINGS RIVER – Rockhouse to Trigger Gap • Meet up at the Price Cutter on Battlefield & Hwy 65 at 8am on Saturday.  This will be about a 2 hour drive […]

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Flat Creek Trip Report!

December 14, 2014

It started off as a cool, foggy, mid-December morning around 9:30am.  The water was frigid and clear, the air was crisp, and a few miles and bald eagles had passed us by heading down the creek.  Then slowly as we all continued downstream, the elements transitioned into what is now known to those who witnessed […]

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The 2015 OMP Calendars are ready!

December 5, 2014

We are proud to announce that our 2015 OMP Calendars are ready for purchase!  Each month features: Photos from each month’s photo contest winners OMP events (Member’s Meetings, Roll Clinics, Whitewater Clinic) Holidays General purpose dates (Daylight Savings Time, Starting Seasons, etc.) We are selling these for $12 each and will have them at the […]

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December Float On Lower Flat Creek!

December 3, 2014

Alright folks, this is the last monthly float of the year 2014!  This month, Jason Haskin is hosting a float on Flat Creek (Hwy 39 Bridge to EE) on Saturday, December 13th.  This is an all day event and an easy 6.2 mile float through beautiful hills & scenery, crystal clear water, and wildlife (you […]

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OMP X-Mas Party!

December 1, 2014

Just a another friendly reminder that the OMP X-Mas party is almost here! December 6th (this coming SATURDAY) at 7:00pm – 10:00pm at the The Buzz Inc – 2810 E. Battlefield, Suite D (CLICK HERE for location map), we will be hosting our annual X-mas party.  We will have catered appetizers, mixers & Coke products […]

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We need Vounteers!

November 10, 2014

We need someone (or more than one person) to volunteer their time to the club setting up and planning monthly floats.  There is really not much to this responsibility, all we will need you to do is approach the board and then our members with a destination each month to paddle, and then pursue it […]

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